My First Visit to a Chinese Restaurant Since my Celiac Disease Diagnosis

celiac disease

My First Visit to a Chinese Restaurant Since my Celiac Disease Diagnosis

Wow!  I could hardly believe it!  After years of not being able to eat Chinese food out in a restaurant because of the gluten issue, finally there it was: a Chinese restaurant with a gluten-free menu. My favorite food, and it was gluten free!  Woo! Hoo!–As they say here in the West.  We had moved to Seattle from the East Coast to live near our son, and there was my reward.  That and seeing and living near our son again was, literally, like dying and going to heaven.  I must have spent the whole meal saying ummmmmm, no less than 30 times.    My son, his girlfriend Samantha, and my husband were getting a kick out of me saying that through the whole meal.  My goodness, I was like a kid in a candy store.  After all, it had been 20 years.  Before my diagnosis, we had a Christmas Eve Tradition of going out for Chinese food.  It was left on hold for a few years.  I was disappointed!  And  Before moving to Seattle and while waiting for this momentous occasion, I was so desperate for Chinese food that I was trying to learn to make it gluten free at home.  I didn’t do half  bad, but it just wasn’t the same.  So, my Swedish friend Gunilla felt so badly for me that she asked if she could make me a Chinese meal for my birthday one year.  I responded, “Yes, of course!  How about egg fu yong?”  She agreed, but had no idea what she was getting into.  It was such a process to make it, I thought she was going to cry!  But being the loving friend she is, she finished it and then said, “All that work for a simple stupid omelette! How ridiculous.”  We laugh about it now.  Gunilla has an incredible sense of humor, and I love that about her.  So, now when she visits me in Seattle, I’m sure she will love to sit in the restaurant and be served and just enjoy without the hassle.  Just think Gunilla, no dishes!   And, a Ferris wheel ride! Hint! Hint!

My son told me there were a lot of gluten-free options at some of the restaurants in the Seattle area.  He certainly knew the bait me that would entice me to come move here:  my son and Chinese food!   A winning combination, for sure.  Well, I haven’t been disappointed.  While it can be a bit risky in some places with cross contamination, it has sure felt good to be able to eat out again.  Thanks Paul–this has been a blessing.  I’m so glad we came, and thanks for all you’ve done.  Here are two photos of our visit to PF Changs in the Seattle area when we first arrived almost two years ago.  And, I’m still having fun!


2 Comments on “My First Visit to a Chinese Restaurant Since my Celiac Disease Diagnosis

  1. I love it!!! And I agree, one of the best parts of going out to eat is no dishes at the end of the meal!!

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