Month: January 2016

Nona’s Italian Biscotti
Serves 10-15 people Ingredients: 1½ cups butter, softened (can substitute a lower fat spread or vegetable oil) 1¾ cups sugar 6 eggs 1 teaspoon anise extract (McCormick is a good gluten-free brand) 2 teaspoons vanilla extract 6 cups… Read More

Bubbie’s Russian Borscht
This recipe serves 6 but can be doubled. Ingredients: 8 cups gluten-free broth (I use Herb Ox brand, but other gluten-free brands are available) 1 pound slice of very meaty and hearty beef shank with bone in 1… Read More

Grandma’s Italiano Lasagna with Béchamel Sauce
This was a video demonstration I did for a Cook Book contest. And I decided to publish it here on my blog! Prep time: 60 minutes or less (not a quick prep but well worth it) Serves 6 people… Read More
First, I must offer my gratitude to my husband for helping make this blog possible–for his technical knowledge and support, love, and patience in this project. + Without him, I could not have even thought of putting this… Read More

About this Celiac Disease Blog!
Our choices in foods that we eat each day have a great deal of effect on our day-to-day health and how we feel, even for someone without Celiac disease. So being a Celiac can make it even… Read More

Chicken Cacciatore Recipe
Chicken Cacciatore recipe! This was my grandmother’s (fathers mother, sometimes known as Nonna or Grandmother) favorite recipe that she loved to share with her very large family on many occasions. I can still smell the aroma of the cacciatore… Read More
Celiac Disease
Welcome to our site about enjoying life with Celiac disease. Here you will find creative solutions to living the gluten-free life and not just surviving but enjoying food again! What is Celiac disease? Who has it? Celiac disease,… Read More