Gluten Free Veal Piccata
Veal Piccata is something my family made once in a while, when I was growing up. It was more popular back then probably because it was so good, and it was cultural. I’m not sure why we don’t see as much of it today, but it’s still a favorite of my family . Due to expense we only make it on special occasions. It’s quite a treat! So here is a recipe we made around Christmas and it is very good and fairly easy to make. Well, Here is the recipe from my culture to your kitchen. Salute
1-pound of Veal for scaloppini
1/4 cup of Gluten free Flour
1/2 tsp. salt
1/8 of a teaspoon of paprika
1/8 of a teaspoon of pepper
1- tablespoon of unsalted butter divided
2/3 cup dry white wine
1-tablespoon of fresh lemon juice
1- tablespoon of unsalted butter
2-teaspoons of capers
pinch of salt
So you want to start with combining the gluten free flour, 1/2 teaspoon of salt, paprika, and white pepper in shallow dish. If you are on a low sodium diet you can omit the salt. I do! Then Lightly coat cutlets with seasoned flour. Heat 1/2 tablespoon butter in large non stick skillet over medium heat until melted. Place 2-3 cutlets in the skillet , cook two or three minutes or until the veal it thoroughly cooked, be sure to turn the veal while cooking at least once. Repeat cooking steps with the final veal and more butter. Remove the veal from the pan , and keep warm while you now make the sauce. At this point add the wine and lemon juice to the skillet. Cook, and stir on medium high until all the bits left from the veal have dissolved in the liquid. Remove from heat, stir in one tablespoon of butter and capers. Spoon the sauce over veal and serve.
- I also prepare a side dish of sliced, steamed Zucchini and carrots seasoned with garlic powder and pepper and a little olive oil. Makes a great low carbohydrate and moderately fat meal. Not bad on the calories either. Enjoy!

Gluten Free Veal Parmesan with Meatballs in Marinara Sauce
Italian Veal or Chicken Parmesan with meatballs and marinara dinner!
In this recipe I often use boneless chicken breast in place of veal if I can’t find the veal. The recipe would be exactly the same with chicken instead of veal. On Christmas day this year I made both along with Italian meatballs on the side with Marinara sauce. And I served it with a salad, Italian dressing and I also served a Gluten free Panettella (Italian sweet bread) commonly served in Italy on( Natale) which is Christmas. My son and future daughter-in law helped in the preparation. This meal is a lot to make, but it’s a nice recipe to make in the kitchen while bonding with other family members as you make it together. I had fun, cooking with them, and my husband was gracious enough to do the dishes. You see if you have help. You end up with a healthy homemade Gluten free meal without feeling like you just did a shift in a diner, as my son Paul would put it. You can also adjust this recipe by making it lower in fat. You can get low fat cheeses and use less of it.
Veal Parmesan:
3 1/2 pound packages of veal thinly sliced for picante (or about 4 boneless chicken breasts).
One medium size package of parmesan cheese
one medium size package of mozzarella cheese
6 slices of provolone cheese
fresh parsley
marinara sauce (either jarred or homemade) I use homemade, my son makes a really great marinara sauce. See the recipe below.
Gluten free bread crumbs about 2 cups
Gluten free Flour also about 2 cups (you will combine the flour and bread crumbs together)
3 eggs
1-cup of milk.
Basically you will first mix the flour and bread crumbs together. Mix till well blended.
Then in another bowl beat the eggs and add the milk . You will want the bowls side by side to be able to coat the chicken or veal well. Then spread out the chicken or veal on some waxed paper. So you have a line of first the veal or chicken, then the egg and milk mixture, then the bread crumbs and flour mix, and finally the pan with olive oil in it, ready to receive the meat for frying.
Preheat your frying pan with a little olive oil in it. The temperature in the pan should be on low to medium flame or electric stove. Basically you will want to start by taking a piece of chicken or veal dip it in the egg mixture . Be sure to dip the meat till fully coated, then roll it in the bread crumb mixture till fully coated. Repeat one more time for a thicker crust around the meat. Dip only once for a thinner crust. After the meat is fully coated with the bread crumb mixture place in the preheated pan for frying. Fry for about 5-6 minutes then turn over carefully so the breading stays in place. And fry on the other side about 5-6 minutes, or until the center is done. Watch carefully so the bottom of the meat doesn’t burn. You can add extra olive oil each time you complete one round of frying and adding another.
At this point, take out a baking pan about 9×11 or so, and coat the bottom of the pan with marinara sauce. A thin layer is fine. Just enough so the meat won’t stick while baking. Then add the fried meat, top with marinara till thoroughly coated and top each piece with the variety of cheeses to you liking. Bake uncovered at 350 degrees for 30 minutes or until the cheese is bubbly and fairly brown. This should ensure the chicken is thoroughly cooked. The dish should have a nice cheese crust on the side of the baking pan. Top with fresh parsley! Serve with a homemade salad and Gluten free bread of your choice. If you don’t want bread, I often use gluten free linguini on the side with the marinara sauce. I also have served this with my grandmothers recipe of homemade Italian meatballs. See recipe for meatballs below.
Italian Meatballs:
1/4 cup of dried Gluten free bread crumbs
1/4 cup of chopped onion
1/4 cup of chopped green or yellow pepper (any color pepper will do)
1- tablespoon of minced or fresh garlic
1- teaspoon of (durkee or McCormick) oregano . There are other brands of spices that are GF , but these are the ones I use.
1/4 teaspoon of pepper
a dash of salt if you are cutting back on sodium. Or 1/2 teaspoon of salt if you are ok with sodium.
1- pound of ground beef
6 tablespoons of Kraft parmesan sprinkle cheese
1- teaspoon of Italian seasoning.
1-package of Gluten free spaghetti. I like Tinkyada brand, it’s the closest to regular spaghetti taste
Mix all Ingredients together in a mixing bowl. Using your hands will ensure a good mix. I get right into it. Be sure the ingredients are well mixed . Then form into golf ball size balls, and fry in a dry skillet till fully cooked turning occasionally so they don’t burn. After they are fully cooked, While still in the pan top with marinara sauce, and top with more parmesan and Italian seasoning to taste. Let it simmer in the marinara just a few moments, then serve with spaghetti and salad of your choice. It makes a nice meal for family get together’s. Enjoy. Any questions, you can always contact me in the comment section of this blog. Thanks for visiting today! Iris
The frustrations of true Celiac disease and the complications that arise from it.
Ever feel Frustrated with this disease? Well, crap, I do! And it’s hard because I’m such a social person who likes to have a good time. I grew up in a family of really great Italian cooks, and we loved to cook and eat together. Loved the social gatherings! But………….. there’s that darn but! There’s always a but you know.
These past few weeks I’ve been going out to eat more because it’s holiday time. While I love to cook, it’s still nice to take a break once in a while. Well, as a true Celiac , all this going out to eat presents problems, usually due to cross contamination issues. So , it’s the same theme each holiday! You want to be out enjoying the festivities and being with people, but it seems there’s always a price to pay. Frustrating! And in my case, if I get into gluten, which feels impossible not to do sometimes I always end up with more problems due to the damage it does to the body.
For example: Because I’ve been eating out more partly anyway , I have developed a new problem called Hypokalemic periodic paralysis. Lovely! It’s a disorder caused from very low potassium levels. I believe that has been brought on by malabsorption and more damage as a result. This in addition to The other 3 autoimmune disorders I’ve developed from the Celiac disease. My Celiac disease went undiagnosed for decades, and did a lot of damage. Bottom line, I’m still lucky to be here. So I have to remain diligent, and it’s not easy! Because the cross contamination doesn’t just come from eating out, it comes from cross contamination in prescription’s, and supplements , which are all necessary to take if you have that much damage. And it’s up to me , or you to manage all this. We have to be our own advocates! No one else can do it for us. The doctors, nutritionists, etc. can aid us, but it’s up to us to keep our eye on the ball, or the result is more damage. More damage that is irreversible I’m afraid! The good thing is, if you catch the disease early you don’t end up with all this autoimmune mess. But for those of us, who didn’t catch it early, still good news. It can be managed, it just takes a lot of diligence, and patience. Patience that may seem to run out at times , but always comes back around. I talk about it with friends, pray, try to keep my mind on other things, all that helps.
The thing that I struggle with, is that I’m in it. And no matter how many people I have around me, to say I understand, when push comes to shove, I still feel alone in it. It can make you feel isolated and alone. So, it’s Tough to manage, but not impossible. So for those of you who have Celiac disease, stay sharp, stay gluten free, stay positive, do what you can, because we all have a purpose. And you don’t want more damage. I have known people who have died from this disease, mainly because they didn’t take care of it. So, hard as it may seem, time consuming and all. Do the best you can. Who knows, there may be someone else you can encourage along the way, who needs to feel like it’s ok. Be well. Not easy sometimes, but doable! Right! See you next blog! Best regards to you. Iris

Gluten Free Mexican Turkey Lasagna
A friend of mine came to visit to help me one evening, and I asked her if she could surprise me with a new idea for a Gluten free recipe. Here’s what she came up with. It was delicious and not hard to make. So here is Summer Myers and her recipe.
Most people look forward to the huge Thanksgiving family meal with the turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, etc… I always looked forward to the day after when my mom would use the leftover turkey and make her Mexican styled turkey casserole. Now I like to make it for my family.
The great thing about this recipe is that nothing has to be exact. You can add cilantro and tomatoes like we did, you can use different types of cheeses (we used pepper jack and sharp cheddar this time), you can use cream of mushroom soup instead of chicken soup and you can use chicken instead of turkey.
Corn tortillas, cut into strips
Half an onion, diced
Small can of diced green chilies
Small can diced olives
1 can cream of chicken soup
Chopped cooked turkey (about 2 cups)
Grated jack cheese (about 2 cups)
1/2 cups cilantro
2 small tomatoes
Salt and Pepper
Mix the turkey, chilies and onion with the cream of chicken soup. Add salt and pepper. Set aside.
In a casserole dish, lay the first layer of tortilla strips on the bottom. Top with 1/3 of the turkey mixture. Then top with 1/3 of the cheese.
Repeat layers so that there are 3 layers. (You can do less or more layers depending on amount of ingredients and size of dish).
After last layer of cheese is on, top with a few tiny bits of tortilla and the olives.
Bake in the oven at 350 for 30-40 minutes.
Make it even better by serving with salsa, avocado and sour cream.
And here is my other friend Brenda who came over to enjoy the recipe with me. She thought it was great!

Homemade Gluten free Italian Pizza
So this is a simple recipe and doesn’t take very long to prepare. It especially doesn’t take long to prepare if you have a friend or family member to do it with. Getting a pre-mix for the Pizza dough also saves time.
I recently invited a friend over for dinner while my husband was away on a business trip. We decided to do a homemade real Italian Pizza like my grandmother would have put together, but of course Gluten free due to my Celiac disease. So here it is:
1- pizza crust mix Gluten free (choose anyone you can find, there are several that are good, I use Bob’s red mill)
2-pizza sauce or spaghetti sauce (I use Prego or classico)
3-toppings of whatever you choose: Example: bacon, mushroom, hamburger, anything or combination you would see at a pizzeria . You could do a veggie combo. Whatever!
4- sliced provolone cheese
5- shredded mazzarella cheese
6-parmesan cheese shredded
7-1- small can of sliced black olives
8- black pepper just sprinkle it on to taste
9-Italian seasoning sprinkle to taste
10- garlic powder again, sprinkle to taste
11-oregano, same thing, sprinkle to taste
Pre-heat the oven to 425 degrees
1- prepare Gluten free pizza crust mix as directed on package. I used Bob’s red mill, and just followed the directions on the package.
2- Decide what toppings and sauce you will use. I used bacon (fried ahead of time till crisp), hamburger cooked thoroughly, sautéed onions, garlic and mushrooms, sliced black olives, and then 3 types of cheese (Parmesan, Mazzarella,and Provolone). Use as much or as little of the cheeses to your liking and taste. Some of my guests like a lot of cheese, others like the cheese lighter.
3- Note: the directions on the package for the crust mix will tell you to pre-bake it about 7 minutes or so, then pull the crust out and begin to create. Directions may vary!
4- Start with your sauce as mentioned above. Spread the sauce on the pre-baked crust,just enough to cover the whole crust, but not the edges where you want your crust raised. Then add toppings one by one, except olives), spreading them all around evenly. Top with cheese, one brand of cheese at a time. Then sprinkle with oregano, garlic powder, Italian seasoning, and black pepper, all to taste, be sure not to over-do, as the spices and herbs can be very strong. A little goes a long way. Last spread sliced olives over the top evenly around. Then you are finished and it is ready to bake. Bake at 425 degree pre-heated oven. The final baking time can take 20 minutes or longer depending on how thick your toppings have built to. The crust should be nice and brown in color, and the cheese should look crispy and brown.
5-let it sit to cool and set about 10 minutes before cutting and serving. And Enjoy!
Suggestions and herbs you can take for the flu!
Everyone dreads that awful season that is upon us now. Yes, it’s the flu season! While winter time can be a happy time with the holidays, family gatherings, snow activities etc. There is an epidemic that comes each year that threatens to keep us down for weeks. Well there are ways to cut the duration of the flu. One is, the usual way, by getting your yearly flu shot. But it doesn’t always hit the right strains and you can end up with it anyway. I recommend you get it anyway especially if you have multiple autoimmune problems.
So here’s what I’ve come up with over the years as ways of helping rid your body of the flu. It’s important to catch it right in the beginning, when you are just coming down with it. You are more likely to knock it out if you do. If you wait too long to take natural remedies , your less likely to be successful in cutting the duration. So yes, the first step is to take action when you first feel the symptoms. And here is a list of flu remedies that are Gluten free and can help as I said!
The list I’m providing, most can be taken as directed on the label.
1. oscillococcinum -homeopathic remedy. Take as directed on the label until your symptoms are gone.
2.Garlic-fresh is best, but you can also take a tablet form, just be sure it says Gluten free on it.
3. Zinc lozenges
4. Ginger-fresh as a tea is best
5. Elderberry herb is very good for the flu
6. Echinacea can be taken, but use caution if you have autoimmune problems, as this herb tends to overstimulate your immune system. And those with compromised health issues related to the immune system, tend to not do well with this herb.
7. colloidal Silver as directed, it is a natural, antiviral, and antifungal and antibacterial that can really help.
8. A good probiotic with billions of organisms as directed.
9. olive leaf extract- is a good antiviral, anti fungal, and it has anti-biotic qualities too.
10. Noni Juice helps to rid the flu with aloe vera Juice
So of course, you don’t need to take all of these, they are suggestions. I would try one at a time, see how you do and maybe little by little add some of the others, as it is often more than one thing that will help. It’s usually combinations of things. And lastly, which is the one I have found the most helpful is
11. Oregano oil- just be sure it’s a non GMO pure form of it.
And of course, lots of bed rest, and liquids, hot chicken soup, a steamer or vaporizer can help too, especially with congestion. Musinex is a good decongestant, and is Gluten free. And stay warm, you will heal faster! Stay well this flu season, I wish you happy and healthy holidays. Laugh a lot too, it’s a great medicine!
Pharmaceutical Medications and Celiac Disease
I recently ran into a problem with a medication prescribed for me by my doctor. The medication itself was right, but there was something in it that made me sick. And it felt like a gluten reaction. I called my pharmacist and they weren’t able to determine from the label what fillers were in the medication. So I called the company that manufactures the medication, and they were able to tell me. And there it was, the fillers contained wheat! Glad I found out! So my pharmacist was kind enough to work with me, to find another manufacturer of that product that could tell me it was gluten free. Then problem solved. I got the same medication , but a gluten free version of it.
You know, We don’t often think of Celiac disease involving more than just diet. Medications must also be looked at as may containing gluten. A lot of Pharmaceutical companies add fillers known as, “excipient”. This is to make a particular dosage form of the drug. They are fillers often made from Corn, potato, and tapioca. These are the most common fillers. But we need to be careful as some can be derived from wheat. Since a majority of drug manufacturers don’t always clearly label their products on their packages regarding gluten content, we have to check with the pharmacist or call the company directly to see exactly what fillers are used. Here is a list of the most common over the counter gluten free products! This list was listed as gluten free as of April 2016, but recently updated on 5/11/17. Be aware that formulations of these drugs can change at any time. So always check labels. If the label isn’t clearly marked, call the manufacturer to get clear information. Thanks again for visiting my site! Iris
The following list is from Gluten.org
NOTE: The “Common Over-the-Counter Gluten-Free Products” listed below were gluten-free as of April/2016. Be aware that ingredients and formulations can change at any time.
Common Gluten-Free Pharmaceutical Excepients
- Acacia
- Alginic acid
- Alpha tocopheral
- Ascorbic acid
- Benzyl alcohol
- Calcium carbonate
- Carboxymethylcellulose
- Citric acid
- Corn starch
- Croscarmellose sodium
- Dextrose
- Docusate sodium
- Fructose
- Glucose
- Hydrogenated vegetable oil
- Hydroxypropyl cellulose
- Lactose
- Magnesium carbonate
- Magnesium stearate
- Matitol
- Maltose
- Mannitol
- Microcrystalline cellulose
- Polydextrose
- Povidone
- Propylene glycol
- Silicon dioxide
- Simethicone
- Sodium benzoate
- Sodium lauryl sulfate
- Sorbitol
- Stearic acid
- Sucrose
- Vanillin
- Xanthan gum
- Zinc stearate
Common Over-the-Counter Gluten-Free Products
- Actifed
- Advil
- Alavert (all forms)
- Aleve
- Alka Seltzer Gold
- Aspirin Enteric Coated 325 mg (Leiner, code #44/127, Watson)
- Aspirin 81 mg chewable (Watson)
- Baby aspirin (Walgreens, Perrigo)
- Bugs Bunny Chewables
- Chlorotrimeton (4 mg tabs, 8 mg and 12 mg extend tabs & liquid)
- Codiclear DH (sugar and dye free)
- Comtrex Deep Chest Cold
- Comtrex Non Drowsy
- Freeda’s Vitamins
- Ibuprofen (Amneal, Pharm Formulations)
- Kirkman (all products are GF)
- Mobic
- Morphine Sulfate Ext Release Tab (Endo)
- Motrin Childrens DF Conc. Drops
- Motrin (Children’s) oral susp
- Motrin Cold DF Berry
- Motrin DF Oral Susp Berry
- Motrin IB caplets & tabs
- Mucinex (all forms)
- Nature Made brand multivitamins
- Natures Plus Animal Parade
- Pepto Bismol
- Robitussin Cold & Congestion caplet
- Robitussin Cold & Cough Liqui-Gels
- Robitussin Cold Severe Congestion liqui-gels
- Robitussin Cold, Cough & Flu Liqui-Gels
- Robitussin line
- Robitussin Multi Symptom Cold & Flu caplet
- Robitussin Night Time Liqui-Gels
- Sesame Street Complete Vitamins & Minerals
- Slo-Mag
- Sudafed
- Sudafed Cold & Sinus Liquid Caps
- Sudafed Plus
- Twin Lab Animal Friends Multivit wafers
- Twin Lab Animal Parade Cherry
- Ultramega Gold (GNC)
- Viactive
- VitaminShoppe brand all GF
- I also looked up the product called Emergen-C , and it is tested and Gluten free as well.
This article has been assessed and approved by a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist.
LAST UPDATED: 05/11/2017
Studies Differentiate Celiac Disease from Gluten Sensitivity
Recently, my nutritionist Karl Mincin, sent me these two articles on how Italian and U.S. Researchers differentiate between Celiac Disease, which is an autoimmune disease, and Gluten sensitivity which is just that, a sensitivity to it. Which means it’s possibly, not as dangerous, but sure is aggravating! The research is very interesting, and it suggests, how much more serious Celiac disease is from gluten sensitivity and why. And the differences between the two, in terms of the gut reaction to gluten. I have Celiac disease, and because it went decades undiagnosed I ended up with a lot of damage as a result. I ended up with several other autoimmune diseases from the constant exposure. It became for me an autoimmune nightmare. I did almost die many times. In fact, when they finally diagnosed me in my late 30’s, they said two more months and I would have been gone. That’s how serious a disease Celiac is. I’m not sure if gluten sensitivity is that harmful or not. There is still research being done on it. With gluten sensitivity , according to research and individuals I have known, there is no report of long term damage to the gut, and causing all this autoimmune mess. So check out these two articles. I think you will find them helpful and informative. I will keep up on the research about the differences and if any of you have any ideas or information please feel free to share it. Thanks and Stay well!
* My nutritionist Karl Mincin can be reached at www.Nutrition-Testing.com or by phone at 360-336-2616. He has been in practice for 30 years, and is well versed in what he does!
Italian and U.S. Researchers Differentiate Celiac Disease and Gluten Sensitivity
‘‘It has become apparent that classic celiac disease represents the tip of the iceberg of an overall disease burden’’
The March 2011 issue of BMC Medicine published a collaborative effort between Italian and U.S. researchers to differentiate between celiac disease and gluten sensitivity. This paper provided a beginning understanding of key differences between the two conditions.
The study included 42 patients with celiac disease, 26 patients with gluten sensitivity, and 39 control patients. The researchers tested each participant’s intestinal permeability and gene expression.
The research team found that gluten sensitivity is not associated with increased intestinal permeability, which is a distinct difference from celiac disease. In addition, markers for adaptive immunity (IL-6 and IL-21) were expressed at higher levels in celiac disease than in the control patients; however, no increase was seen in the gluten-sensitive patients, Conversely, a marker for innate immunity (Toll-like receptor 2) was increased in the gluten-sensitive patients, but not in the celiac patients.
According to the researchers, “these findings support the idea that the prevalent involvement of innate versus adaptive immune pathways may help explain the clinical and serological differences in gluten-sensitive versus celiac disease patients.” They add that the study results suggest “that celiac disease and gluten sensitivity are distinct clinical entities caused by different intestinal mucosal responses to gluten.”
Given there appears to be a 6-fold increase in Gluten Sensitivity vs. Celiac Disease, these findings will help Physicians to determine the appropriate tests and treatment recommendations to deliver to their patients.
Sapone A, Lammers KM, Casolaro V, Cammarota M, Giuliano MT, De Rosa M, et al. Divergence of gut permeability and mucosal immune gene expression in two gluten-associated conditions: celiac disease and gluten sensitivity. BMC Med. 2011 Mar 9;9:23.
Duration of gluten exposure is key factor in developing other autoimmune diseases
The longer sensitive individuals eat gluten, the more likely they are to develop other autoimmune diseases
A 1999 landmark study published in Gastroenterology found that the duration of exposure to gluten in celiac disease patients affects the risk of developing other autoimmune diseases. The finding made age at diagnosis an important factor in the overall health of patients with celiac disease.
For the study, an Italian research team screened 909 patients with celiac disease for other autoimmune diseases, including IDDM (Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus), DH (Dermatitis herpetiformis), Hashimoto’s thyroiditis or Graves’ disease, autoimmune hepatitis, alopecia, atrophic autoimmune gastritis, connective tissue disease (rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, dermatomyositis, scleroderma, or Sjogren’s disease), psoriasis, Addison’s disease, unexplained cerebellar ataxia, epilepsy with cerebral calcification, or immune anemia, neutropenia, or thrombocytopenia. They then compared the prevalence of these conditions in three different subgroups, which were separated based on when the patient was diagnosed with celiac disease (before age 2, between ages 2 and 10, and after age 10).
The team found that the prevalence of the other conditions was highest in the subgroup of patients diagnosed after age 10. Similarly, patients diagnosed between ages 2 and 10 had a higher rate of other conditions than those diagnosed before age 2. This suggests that the prevalence of autoimmune conditions increases with increasing age at diagnosis of celiac disease (ie, increasing duration of exposure to gluten).
The researchers’ chart below demonstrates the frequency of developing other autoimmune diseases.
The authors concluded: “Indeed, the age at diagnosis of celiac disease is the single best predictor of the prevalence of autoimmune disease.”
Ventura A, Magazzú G, Greco L; SIGEP Study Group for Autoimmune Disorders in Celiac Disease. Duration of exposure to gluten and risk for autoimmune disorders in patients with celiac disease. Gastroenterology. 1999;117:297–303.
Depression and Celiac Disease
Recently, I was reading an article about depression and Celiac disease. It spoke of the high incidence of depression in Celiac patients and the high suicide rate that goes along with it. The way the article was written, it made it seem as though individuals with Celiac are stuck with depression and mood disorders with no way out. Well, I don’t agree, and let me share with you why I think this way.
Usually if Celiac disease is caught in the early stages , and you remain Gluten free life long, the symptoms or side effects you get from gluten exposure should be minimal at that point. However, there is a problem. When the disease, and I’m speaking of Celiac disease , not gluten intolerance now, when it goes undiagnosed long term it presents a whole host of other problems. It’s not uncommon for instance, to end up with several other autoimmune diseases due to the long term damage that’s been done. Let me give you some of the common autoimmune diseases that happen due to long term undiagnostic. For one, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis is very common with Celiac disease, a thyroid disease, and it can cause a lot of problems, depression being one and extreme fatigue and weakness. It also effects your digestion! The second common autoimmune disorder is Sjogrens disease which is in the rheumatoid family and tends to be a drying of the mouth and eyes causing problems with your teeth and eyes. It can also be systemic effecting your muscles and causing a lot of inflammation also leading to fatigue and depression. There are other less common autoimmune disorders that are connected to long term undiagnostic effects of Celiac disease , but they are fairly rare. I have ended up with Hashimotos and Sjogrens, and also another one known as Hypokalemic periodic paralysis, related to low potassium levels and the kidneys. Very difficult to treat, but once you do you tend to feel better. I am being treated for all the autoimmune issues and have found the depression has been resolved. I have to be very diligent with the diet, and monitoring of these other autoimmune problems. This way, it keeps the symptoms and suffering to a minimum.
So, if you have been diagnosed with Celiac disease and still suffer from depression, consider tightening up your Gluten exposure first. And if that doesn’t seem to be enough, consider having your physician check you for one or all of these diseases that so commonly go along with undiagnosed long term Celiac disease. By long term I mean, for example, mine went undiagnosed for at least 2 decades. I’m not talking weeks, I’m talking a long time to do that kind of damage. Otherwise, if you are newly diagnosed and haven’t had it that long, the diet should help greatly. But remember, you do have to be quite strict to be successful. Good luck to you! With wisdom and knowledge and a little perseverance, you can thrive instead of survive this disease process. Leave a comment if you like, would love to hear from you! Iris
The hazards of cross contamination with Celiac Disease Video
I Have had more than one experience with getting sick from cross contamination of combining gluten foods with Gluten containing foods. When I was first diagnosed over 25 years ago very little was known about the disease. So when I went to pot lucks with friends, or tried to eat out, no one understood what this was all about. I was in a place where I had to avoid restaurants all together, which I hated , and I had to always bring my food with me when invited to friends and family members homes. It was tough. But then before I knew , it there was a trend taking place and restaurants and individuals were catching on. It was making it easier to go out again, and eat with others with less fear of cross contamination of the food I could eat. Over time, I was finding other people getting diagnosed with the Disease. So, I began eating out. Today, I find that a lot of restaurants get it, and have a separate place in their kitchens where they can cook the gluten free foods safely for you. Some have a good idea , but not enough. You have to really check around.
Now Pizza was one of my favorites, and that’s a little harder. Mostly because nearly all the pizza places make both gluten free and Gluten pizza in the same kitchen and cook it in the same oven, causing cross contamination that can make someone as sensitive with Celiac disease very sick. And yes , there are some pizza places or Italian restaurants that are gluten free, but you have to check around. I recently came across some information I think you may find helpful, on cross contamination. See below! And Thanks for visiting this site!
This video posted by CNBC about the hazard of cross contamination in restaurants. Especially with Pizza facilities because of the mixed flours used. If you want to know more about Cross contamination and how serious it is for Celiac sufferer’s , take a moment to watch this video. It explains why it’s not safe for someone with Celiac Disease to eat in most Pizza places especially ones that makes both Gluten free and wheat crusts in the same kitchen. Take a look!
Change in support group meetings
Many of you may have noticed that our group has not met in the last month. You may have wondered if we were on summer break. Until recently, the Celiac foundation has been sponsoring our group, but that organization has decided to stop supporting local face to face meetings. Instead the CDF is focusing their energy on online support. While that works well on a national level it has left a hole locally. That’s why I set up this Blog. To fill that hole. My friend Norma says I fill it beautifully! Blush! Blush! Lol! She’s much too kind. So now, if you would like online support, on available items, restaurants, testing kits, recipes, etc. You can find it all right here! You can pose questions or concerns about Gluten free living anytime on the comment section of this blog! Thanks and Happy Gluten free Living! Iris
Thoughts on Gluten free Restaurants and eating out!
I have had a lot of people approach me, with questions about eating out and remaining Gluten free! Well, as I’ve said in other articles, today it isn’t quite as challenging as it used to be. I could give you a list of restaurants that have gluten free menu’s, but I’m not sure it’s necessary! I’ll explain why! Today most restaurants seem to be aware of the gluten free diet and many of them even understand the cross contamination issue. Many cook your orders in a separate part of the kitchen to ensure the gluten free safety. What I do is first, choose a restaurant I’d like to visit! Then I look up the restaurant online to see if they have a gluten free menu. If they do have one, at that point I will call and ask about how they are with preparing the food separately from other gluten containing foods. Most restaurants are glad to answer those questions. If you can’t get a clear answer, if they don’t seem to understand, then it’s best to avoid that place for now. Also, it’s a good idea to check back with the restaurant periodically to see that nothing has changed. Sometimes they change hands, or the menu. If you have any other questions please feel free to contact me on the comment section of this blog! Thanks so much and Happy Gluten free Living! Iris

Gluten-Free Meal Plans Great for Anyone With Celiac Disease
Check out this article by Shape Magazine
Meal planning can be tricky if you have celiac disease or a gluten intolerance. We have the plans that help.
Let’s face it: Gluten intolerance isn’t pretty, causing symptoms like gas, bloating, constipation, and acne. Gluten can be a major bummer for people who have celiac disease or who are sensitive to gluten. For some, cutting this protein from their diet can significantly help reduce the less-than-glamorous side effects—but avoiding entire food groups can be tough. Here are five meal planning ideas to create and stick to a gluten-free diet that you won’t hate. (To clarify, you don’t need to give up gluten if you don’t have a gluten sensitivity.)
A lot of people jumped on the gluten-free bandwagon voluntarily (their bodies digest the protein just fine), which is actually good news for those who have a legit gluten intolerance. There are more gluten-free versions of your favorites foods than ever, from pancakes to pasta. It’s easier than you’d think to find recipes that are just as good (if not better) than your old favorites.Let the Pros Handle the Hard Part
In an ideal world, we would all have the time to sit down each week and organize our meals (and our lives, for that matter). But in reality, we’re busy, and meal planning takes time we often don’t have. Take advantage of meal planning services like eMeals—they can take care of the planning for you.Cook Smart
One of the main benefits of meal planning is less kitchen stress. In order to reap the benefits of meal planning, however, you need to actually take advantage of the planning process. Think about what steps you can take to simplify your life later on, such as buying ingredients in bulk to use for multiple meals, making extra at dinner to pack for lunch the next day, or doubling a recipe and popping the other portion in the freezer for future meals.Find a Go-To GF Restaurant
Successful meal planning means eating out less—which is healthier and saves you loads of money. But sometimes you just need to splurge. Find a few gluten-free restaurants in your area so that when you do need a night out or a quick lunch spot, you know they’ll have options that won’t completely undo all your hard work. (Here are popular chains with healthy choices.)Enjoy the Benefits
Instead of obsessing over what you’re giving up while you go gluten-free, focus on the positive changes in your body. Is your skin clearing up? Do you have more energy throughout the day? Is your bloating finally under control? Taking the time to notice the small benefits will help reduce the temptation to slip into your old gluten habits. (Yes, you can roll your eyes at that major cliché. But trust us, it works.) Write down one or two of these positive changes while you’re working on your meal plan each week for concrete evidence that you’re on the right track.Time for a Taste Test
Try these eMeals recipes for a quick and easy dinner that’s so good, you won’t even notice that it’s missing gluten.
Here are two of our favorites:
Sun-Dried Tomato Pesto Salmon
Ingredients2 tablespoons sliced almonds3/4 cup fresh basil leaves1 tablespoon lemon juice1/2 teaspoon salt1/2 teaspoon pepper2 cloves garlic, minced1/4 cup sun-dried tomatoes in oil, drained1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil6 salmon fillets, patted dry
DirectionsPreheat oven to 400°F.Pulse almonds, basil, lemon juice, salt, pepper, garlic, tomatoes, and oil in a food processor until smooth.Rub mixture all over salmon and place in a greased baking dish.Bake 15 minutes (or until fish flakes with a fork).
Spring Mix with Avocado and Lime
Ingredients1 (5-oz) package spring mix3 avocados, peeled and slicedJuice of 1 lime2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
DirectionsPlace spring mix in a bowl and top with avocados.Drizzle with lime juice and oil.Season with salt and pepper to taste
Full Meal: Prep time: 15 minutes; Cook time: 15 minutes; Total: 30 minutes

Gluten Free Creamy Italian Pasta Salad Recipe
Here is part of a great article and Recipe from Mama Knows Gluten Free
There is nothing simpler or more satisfying than a big beautiful bowl of pasta salad. The homemade creamy Italian dressing really is the showstopper of this pasta salad. Mix in your favorite Italian veggies, and you will have a pasta salad that I promise no one will ever know it’s gluten-free! Ready in less than 20 minutes.
Gluten-free pasta can be tricky. I have tried a lot of different brands of gluten-free pasta, and based on flavor and texture, my favorite brand of gluten-free pasta is Barilla. I always salt my water, at least a tablespoon for 1 pound of pasta in 4 quarts (16 cups) water. Also, add a teaspoon of olive oil to the water to keep the pasta from sticking together. Make sure to add the salt, olive oil and pasta to the water once it has come to a rolling boil. It is very important that you cook the pasta al dente to the box’s directions. I always rinse my pasta with cold water after draining it to keep it from cooking longer and getting mushy.
Homemade creamy Italian dressing combined with artichokes hearts, black olives, grape tomatoes, mozzarella cheese, roasted red peppers and gluten-free rotini pasta. A perfect creamy Italian pasta salad for your next cookout or family get together. A summer classic that everyone loves!
You can see how easy this gluten-free creamy Italian pasta salad is to make in the video below!
Gluten Free Creamy Italian Pasta Salad
Homemade creamy Italian dressing combined with artichokes hearts, black olives, grape tomatoes, mozzarella cheese, roasted red peppers and gluten-free rotini pasta. Perfect for your next cookout or family get together. A summer classic that everyone loves!
Author: Audrey
Prep Time: 10
Cook Time: 8
Total Time: 18 minutes
Box of gluten-free Rotini or Penne pasta (I like Barilla)
1 14oz can of artichoke hearts
1 cup of black olives
1 cup of grape tomatoes
1 cup of fresh mozzarella cheese, diced
1 cup of roasted red peppers
Fresh chopped basil (optional)
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon of onion powder
1 teaspoon of basil
1 teaspoon of oregano
1 teaspoon of parsley
1/2 teaspoon of thyme
1/2 teaspoon of marjoram
1 1/2 teaspoons of salt
1/2 teaspoon of black pepper
2 tablespoons of sugar
1 cup of mayonnaise (I am a Hellman’s girl.)
1 tablespoon of red wine vinegar
1 tablespoon of balsamic vinegar
1 cup of grated parmesan cheese
Bring water to a rolling boil. Add salt, olive oil and pasta to the water and cook to box directions for al dente.
After draining the pasta, rinse pasta with cold water.
Add pasta to a large bowl.
In a small bowl, add all of the dressing ingredients and stir until fully combined.
Add the dressing to pasta and stir until fully coated.
Add the dressing to pasta and stir until fully coated.
Garnish with fresh chopped basil.

Gluten Allergy Test, is it Necessary?
Is a gluten allergy test necessary? Interesting question! I have suffered for years with Celiac disease, and I have some pretty strong feelings about this disease and gluten sensitivity. I would like to share some of my specific thoughts from my home here in Washington State.
It is a Sunday afternoon in June, and it’s sunny and very hot – 95 degrees. Usually, it does not get this hot here but, once in a while during the summer, we can get a real scorcher. I guess today is that day. So, I thought I would blog because writing in air conditioning sure sounded good! Whew! Well alright, enough of the weather report.
Okay, so just a reminder as I share on this topic – this is a blog, and I tend to share from my own experiences and the experiences of others. I’ve done some research and spoken to medical professionals, but this is still an opinion blog. I have been through a lot and, because of that, I like to share about my own experiences. The hope is that I will save people a lot of time and frustration trying to figure out this whole gluten sensitivity thing, because we can learn from other people’s experiences. I know I certainly have! So, I hope I can help someone out there.
As I’ve said before, I have Celiac disease and had to be tested through blood work years ago to verify this. Upon getting my diagnosis and then consequently avoiding gluten, my overall health has continued improving – especially the food sensitivities. Unfortunately, it took so long to get a diagnosis that I have been left with multiple, serious autoimmune diseases. These will not go away and will have to be treated for the rest of my life. This is not an uncommon thing with Celiac disease. It is a difficult disease – a daily challenge and very hard to keep in check all the time. Before I was diagnosed, it seemed as if I was reacting to every food on the planet. Back in the 1980’s, Celiac disease and gluten sensitivity were foreign terms. They were fairly unknown and weren’t considered common.
Before my diagnosis, after eating I was experiencing everything from trouble breathing to severe rashes all over my body, psoriasis, headaches, nausea, diarrhea, and even very dry skin. I also had weakness, muscle weakness, and fatigue. You name it – I had it. I was dealing with a lot of symptoms. The doctors at that time didn’t know what to make of it. They assumed all my problems were from an episode when I was 8 years old. I had a childhood illness with a severe burst appendix that left me in a coma for a month. Multiple abdominal surgeries followed with tubes in my stomach, etc. I could understand how the doctors were focused on my issues from that episode. I guess they could rule out psychosomatic as the cause, which doctors like to label people with when they don’t know what’s wrong. But, since I suffered a brain injury from all those problems, I guess some of it was in my head! LOL! Really though, it’s not funny, because many people have gone through this, and it is ridiculous.
An example of another source where symptom could arise from is emotional trauma. However, most people I’ve met seem to have symptoms related to the darn food or thyroid trouble, etc. These situations can also cause emotional symptoms. Truly, who wouldn’t have emotional symptoms with all that? The Celiac Foundation says that while you’re eating gluten, there can be over 300 symptoms to deal with. And, I felt them! If you didn’t have emotional issues before, you will after dealing with all those symptoms. If you didn’t feel some emotional turmoil, I guess there would be something wrong, right? It’s just crazy. Everyone is different, I know, but I have chosen to handle mine with as much humor as possible. That, my deep faith in God, and prayer all help me to cope. Also, reaching out to others and them knowing what I went through is such a blessing and can make all the difference in someone life.
Getting back to our original topic: do I think gluten allergy testing is necessary? In my opinion, for Celiac disease, I would say “yes!” If you and your doctor suspect you have Celiac disease, tests need to be done to rule out or confirm those suspicions. First, a blood test will be given. If that comes back negative then, from what I understand, a small bowel biopsy would confirm/disprove it. A negative result from that, and then they can say you don’t have Celiac disease. If you do get a diagnosis of Celiac, then you have to avoid the gluten, as it can cause so many serious problems as I’ve mentioned.
I think gluten sensitivity (meaning non-Celiac) is becoming more common today because of how food is processed. I’m not sure if the gluten sensitivity tests are necessary. Actually, the best and most economical way to test for this is by avoiding gluten for a while. My feeling is, if you feel better by avoiding it, then you are sensitive and should continue to avoid it! And, there is anaphylaxis or anaphylactic shock, which is when people have severe reactions caused by eating certain foods like peanuts or shell fish. This can be life threatening. These severe reactions are similar to what some people get from bee stings. Serious symptoms include swelling causing breathing problems, nausea, and body rash, just to name a few. There can also be drops in blood pressure and even loss of consciousness. These severe cases require medical attention. This is serious stuff and not to be messed with! People who suffer from life threatening allergies should consider carrying an epinephrine auto-injector (epi-pen) to ensure quick medical help.
I feel that food allergies, especially today, are not always about you but rather the food. Highly processed food can throw off the good bacteria in your gut, causing another issue known as digestive yeast imbalance or candida. These issues can be corrected by a good probiotic (as I’ve mentioned in this blog before) and a low sugar, low carbohydrate diet. Unfortunately, all the food processing today has really complicated things for us. So, there are a number of reasons for food sensitivities.
Soon I will be interviewing nutritionist, Karl Mincin, to gain more insights into these issues. Be watching for it on this blog . For now, if you’re interested in feeling a little better in addition to the probiotic I mentioned, you can also try avoiding the most common food allergies (wheat, soy, dairy, peanuts, eggs, and shellfish). You can start by taking all of them out of your diet at the same time. Then one week later, add one of the food groups and do that for a week. If you feel okay, a week later add another one and see how you feel. If it causes symptoms, stop eating that food group. Continue with this regimen. I did this years ago and found it quite helpful. At that time, food allergy testing was expensive and wasn’t always accurate. Many other people have also found this little trick of elimination to be very beneficial. Of course, the best and safest diet is always eating fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, and organic protein. Pesticide sprays seem to be causing a lot of problems with grains. I’m referring to those of you who are non-Celiac, gluten sensitive. Most people in this category seem to tolerate this simple diet. Just sharing my thoughts!
Although I have never tried one before, another option is a home allergy test you can purchase to test for gluten sensitivity. I’ve heard it’s quite accurate. Gluten Allergy Test Life Extension has one for just $41.00. Here is a link to it, for your convenience: Simply click this image below:
So, let me know if any of you out there try this and how helpful it was. I’d love to hear how it goes!
In closing, good luck and I wish you all well. Remember, if you ever have any questions or need more support, please feel free to get in touch in the comment section of this blog. I am always glad to help. If I don’t have the answer, I can ask a professional who does!
Sincerely, Iris