Category: Celiac Group meetings
Change in support group meetings
Many of you may have noticed that our group has not met in the last month. You may have wondered if we were on summer break. Until recently, the Celiac foundation has been sponsoring our group, but that… Read More

Celiac group meeting Saturday January 21, 2017
So Today we met and had a Pizza party with 3 different types of frozen Gluten free pizzas to try. The first one was the best! It was made by a company out of New England called against… Read More

Celiac Group Meeting, September 2016
Today, we had another Celiac group meeting that I facilitate with a friend (Norma Mouton). These meetings are such a blessing. We had three new women come in today. They shared their hearts, frustrations, questions, and fears. Together,… Read More

Celiac Support Group, Camano Island, Washington
I recently started a support group for people dealing with Celiac disease, whether it be themselves with the disease or a family member. Megan Bropleh is helping to get this group up and going. I have an e-mail… Read More