Welcome to CeliacDisease.Tips
Hello everyone! Welcome to Celiacdisease.tips. I created this blog because I have Celiac Disease myself ,and wanted to inspire others with Celiac disease and gluten sensitivity, to thrive and not just survive with the disease. On this Blog you will find recipes with photos from many categories. Thoughts and suggestions offered to assist you in choices you may need to make about vitamins, medications, gluten free dining, etc. I also share my personal family photos and stories. There is also a gluten free mall you can order products and food stuff that is all certified gluten free. I also host articles from other people, such as Nutritionists and authors with Celiac disease. So please feel free to let me know you stopped by. I welcome any thoughts, questions, or suggestions you may have. Hope to hear from you soon. Iris Smith+

My new book
I recently wrote a book entitled “Never Alone”. Its about the importance of friendship and family with God at the center. Its about the importance of supporting each other in good times and those harder times we find ourselves in. I feel Having others around us, lightens the blow of the difficulties we encounter . I also talk about my journey with Celiac Disease, and the everyday challenges involved in keeping up with it. One of the hardest things I have found is avoiding it, so I don’t suffer so much with not only symptoms, but other very serious health issues that go along with it. Please stay tuned to this blog and on my Facebook page, “Never Alone” which is the title of my page for updates on publication. Please like and follow my page. The manuscript has been accepted and publication is underway. Thanks for checking in, and stay well. Iris
Preparing to be gluten-free before a major event!
So this is Sunday, August 5, a little less than one week before my son’s wedding. Since I am so sensitive to gluten due to celiac disease my husband and I agreed that to be safe, and to feel the best that I can feel for the different events that are coming up revolving around the wedding, we decided no eating out at all until the wedding. It’s challenging, because we have a fair taking place in town and you know that fairs always have food. Very tempting. But can’t afford to be sick. And I do enjoy a little wine here and there. But to be safe, I’m avoiding places of temptation so that I can be the best that I can be for the wedding. All I have to do is get a little cross-contamination, and I feel weak ,I end up with diarrhea, I get all achy and tired, it effects my vision, and brain as well. There are so many symptoms you have to deal with when you get what I call gluttonized. It simply is just not worth it, I do want to enjoy the wedding, and be there for my son and daughter-in law. So, even when I get into a little bit of gluten, it flares up the other autoimmune problems. The Sjogren’s disease for example makes my eyes get all red, bloodshot dry and blurry. And by getting into gluten it makes that disease worse. What happens with that disease alone, when I get into gluten, is that it actually does damage to my eyes. All that dryness from the Sjogren’s disease causes scarring on my corneas, and while there is medication to help both with eyedrops that I take, along with diet, the moment I get into gluten it flares up my eyes and the Sjogren’s disease. The disease can also can effect your teeth and gums because of the dryness it causes in your mouth. It does damage there too. I’ve lost teeth because of it. I wonder how many people don’t realize, just how dangerous it is for a celiac, the disease can be. For me it is also caused another condition, another autoimmune disease called Hashimoto’s disease which is a thyroid condition where the body has attacked the thyroid. Also caused from getting into gluten. I can’t emphasize enough how dangerous celiac disease is. I had two cousins that died from it, because they couldn’t keep up with the strictness and the autoimmune problems that came along with it as a result of not avoiding gluten. And it wasn’t the avoidance of gluten they struggled with, it was the strictness of the cross-contamination. It’s a lot of work. And you need support from family members, that which they did not have. And it’s something I am fortunate enough to have. To a true celiac gluten is poison, and it comes in so many forms! You might as will be drinking arsenic. So my point is, the more I avoid the gluten and don’t take the chance of going to restaurants and risking cross-contamination, the less challenging it will be for my body. Not to mention, when you get into gluten as a celiac, it also messes up your vitamins and minerals, which can cause all kinds of problems. Especially with your muscles, and muscle weakness, and emotional symptoms.
For example ,when I get into gluten one of the first things that happens is I get muscle weakness, along with stomach pain, and bowel upsets. And why does that happen? Because the moment I do that it causes this thing called malabsorption, which is an inability for your body to be able to absorb the nutrients and vitamins it needs to maintain health and wellness. By avoiding gluten I have no trouble processing all the magnesium that I need for the muscles and the weakness, the vitamin B’s I need to feel nice and calm and have the energy I need, the calcium, the potassium, etc. I have had trouble with potassium in the past, that also causes muscle problems and weakness and can make you feel terribly weak. But by avoiding the gluten and supplementing, also with monitoring from my doctor and nutritionist, I’m able to hold my potassium, magnesium, etc. etc. . It’s such an intricate balance, that is a daily thing for me and you.
But I have learned over a 30 year span of diagnosis, that it really is one day at a time. If I were to look at the whole picture, it would be quite overwhelming. But I’ve learned not to do that! So again, so I can be the best that I can be for this wedding, which will only come once, it’s best to avoid temptation right now. No chances are taken. Does that mean in the future I won’t go to restaurants that I know can be gluten free? No, I probably will go and be sure the restaurant understands the importance of it. Most of the restaurants I go to usually get it, or I don’t go. But keep in mind, for yourselves, each time you go there is always that chance, that somebody does not understand how strict you have to be. So while I love to go out to eat with family and friends, I have come to realize I have to limit it because each time it’s a crap shoot. And I’m the one who ends up shooting crap, no pun intended!
So if you have diagnosed celiac disease, keep your eye on the ball, because if you don’t you can end up eventually like my two cousins that passed away from it. Because as a true celiac, each time you get into gluten it does do permanent damage. Especially if it’s gone undiagnosed so long as mine originally did. And the damage was permanent! So wish me luck with the wedding, I plan to dance and have a good time, my son and daughter-in-law to be are talking with the chef to be sure that he understands how strict I have to be. And the Chef has assured me that my food would be made separate and literally kept in a plastic bubble so I don’t get sick. I gotta tell ya, it’s a challenging way to live, but thank God because I know what it is, and how to deal with it I can live a full life. And you can too! So be well my friends, and don’t get discouraged, do as I do, and take one day at a time. As Leonard Nimoy used to say, in his role as Mr. Spock on Star Trek,” live long and prosper!” And incidentally, he was a personal friend of my father’s while growing up in the Boston area back in the 1940s. He was a smart man, and my father loved him. I will post again soon! Thanks for letting me share, Iris
Allergy Season, Celiac disease and Gluten sensitivity
Today, I was asked a question about seasonal allergies and how to treat them with Celiac Disease and Gluten sensitivity. You know, those watery eyes, coughing, sneezing, congestion, in some severe allergies even breathing problems. Well there is a supplement I have used for years that has always helped me. It’s called Quercetin. While there are many gluten free choices, I order it from a company called “Now”. They are Gluten free and the Quercetin that I use from that company also has Bromelain added to it. The Bromelain acts as an anti-inflammatory while the Quercetin is a natural anti-histamine with no side-effects. When you begin taking it, start with 500 milligrams 2 times a day. Give it time, because it can take a while to get into your system and work. Take it throughout the season so it keeps working. If 500 milligrams doesn’t seem like enough, you can increase 500 milligrams at a time until you get relief. You can increase safely up to about 3,000 milligrams a day for asthma relief. This was told to me by a natural physician. So if you have allergies, and want to try something healthier to help give it a try, I hope it brings relief. I also recommend you avoid dairy as a lot of Celiac’s have a lactose intolerance and dairy can be very mucus forming. It’s been my experience that it makes breathing problems and asthma worse. Feel well, and thanks for stopping by Celiacdisease.tips. All my best Iris

Gluten Free Mongolian Beef with Scallions
My daughter-in law loves Mongolian Beef, both at the restaurant and to make it herself. In light of the fact that Samantha loves this, I wanted to share it on my blog. This recipe is a little different from hers, and my own version from what I’ve observed from others. I wanted to share it with all of you, and also so she can have it in the family as a nice tasty Gluten free recipe to pass down to her future generations, (if you know what I mean). Future Grandma talking. I served this to my husband Cy this evening and he literally could not stop eating it. For those of you who are Celiac and soy sensitive, you could substitute the soy sauce with Bragg’s liquid amino’s. Not only is it Gluten free, but soy free as well, and has a similar taste. You can serve it with white rice, Brown rice, or soft rice noodles and a salad if you wish. Try this recipe and enjoy. Thanks for stopping by. Iris
2- teaspoons of Olive oil
1- tablespoon of finely chopped fresh Garlic
1/2 teaspoon of grated fresh Ginger root
1/2 cup of soy sauce or Bragg’s liquid Amino’s
1/2 cup of water
2/3 cup of brown sugar or agave syrup (if you want something low glycemic, for diabetics)
1- pound of beef flanked steak, sliced 1/4 inch thick on the diagonal
1/4 cup of cornstarch
3-tablespoons of olive oil for frying the meat
2 bunches of scallions, cut in small pieces
1- cooking Wok
1/2 cup of fresh or canned mushrooms
1-tablespoon of sesame oil
1-teaspoon of sesame seeds
1/3 of a cup of white cooking wine. Or less to taste really some people only use a little. I just pour it in to taste, but don’t do too much, it can be overpowering.
a sprinkle of pepper
1- First take the flank steak that is sliced, rinse it carefully, and dry with a paper towel. Then place in a Ziploc bag.
2- Next put cornstarch, about a tablespoon of olive oil, and 1/4 cup of soy sauce into bag with steak to marinate. Place in refrigerator for about an hour. While that’s marinating I usually cut up Garlic, ginger, scallions, so they are ready to go when cooking the recipe.
3- Next take another 2- teaspoons of olive oil in the wok, then put in garlic and ginger just enough to release their fragrance about 30 seconds. Pour in 1/2 cup of soy sauce, water, agave or brown sugar. Raise the heat to medium high, and stir for about 4 minutes, if using brown sugar stir until brown sugar is dissolved and the sauce begin to boil and slightly thickens. Remove the sauce from the heat, and place in a glass bowl to use in cooking later. Using the same Wok with the flavors of the liquid left in the Wok, put another 3-tablespoons of olive oil in the pan and turn heat up to medium high, warming the pan for just a minute. Then add the marinated meat (if it’s been an hour), and stir fry the meat, tossing with two wooden spoons continuously until crispy brown, and the meat looks well done. Pour on the sauce mixture that you have set aside and stir with two wooden spoons until well combined. Probably tossing two or three times. Bring the mixture to a boil once more, and add the scallions until they have softened, just a little don’t get them soggy, just slightly cooked, it should only take two minutes.
I serve this recipe with Jasmine white rice as it has a nice texture this recipe can serve up to 4- people. It takes approximately an hour or so in preparation time, them about 15-20 minutes to cook. It takes a little longer, but boy is it worth it. This is a very satisfying Gluten free comfort food that even people who are not used to eating gluten free can enjoy. Be well! Iris
Variation: If you are Vegan, you could substitute the meat with tofu, and follow the same instructions for marinade and frying. I have not tried it that way yet, but I’m sure it would be good.

Golden Turmeric Rice dish
This recipe is a delicious and fairly easy recipe to make. My family loved it when I made it for them. I got the recipe from my produce delivery Company. Klesick Farms is where the recipe came from, and they adapted it from www.finecooking.com. When I made it, I made my own variations which gave it an even more aromatic flavor. I hope you like this recipe as much as we did. You can serve it as we did, with barbecued chicken and steamed zucchini. It can be served with just a salad and another vegetable if you are vegetarian. It would also go well with many tofu recipes, roast chicken or Braised Lamb. It’s quite a versatile dish. Give it a try, and Enjoy! Thanks for stopping by, Iris
1- cup of Basmati rice
1- 13.5 oz. can unsweetened full fat or light coconut milk
1/4 -1/2 cup of water as needed (see recipe)
1 oz. of fresh turmeric, peeled and finely grated (about 2-3 tablespoons)
Kosher salt
1/2 teaspoon of light brown sugar or Agave
1/8 -teaspoon ground cinnamon
a pinch of ground cardamom or nutmeg
1/3 cup of golden raisins
1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
1/3 cup coarsely chopped pistachios
Rinse the rice in a medium-mesh strainer under cool running water, swishing it with your hand occasionally, until the water runs clear.
In a 4 quart saucepan, combine coconut milk, turmeric, 1/2 tspn. of salt, sugar, cinnamon, and cardamom or nutmeg. Stirring frequently , bring the milk to a gentle boil over medium heat. Remove the pan from the heat, add the raisins, and let steep for 20 minutes.
Return to a low boil, reduce heat to very low, and stir in the rice and pepper flakes. Add additional water if mixture looks too thick and you’re worried about the rice sticking. (you can always cook it off). Cover and cook until the liquid is absorbed , 10 -12 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat, and let the rice stand, covered for 8-10 minutes more.
Fluff with a fork, then serve topped with the pistachios.
My own variations: Instead of more water while cooking I added low sodium chicken broth, about a 1/2 cup while the rice cooked with the other Ingredients. Instead of coconut milk, I used almond milk (unsweetened) added a tablespoon of coconut oil, and another tablespoon of shredded coconut. That was because I didn’t have any coconut milk in the house. I got creative. I also used agave syrup due to the fact that it is low glycemic. So there you have it. Enjoy! It is delicious either way you prepare it.
How is it, we keep making the same Mistakes? Stay on target with Celiac Disease!
I guess it happens all the time, doesn’t it! I fall into the same trap every time. What am I talking about? Getting into Gluten through supplements. Having Celiac disease doesn’t exclude you from needing supplements, in fact because most of us with this disease suffer from malabsorption. An inability to digest and absorb nutrients which can lead to so many health issues and other autoimmune disorders. So the need for supplementation is essential. So what do we do? We have to be sure that the supplements we use are certified as Gluten free. Not just labeled as Gluten free. Some of the supplement companies will say wheat free , soy free, dairy free, non GMO,etc. But if it doesn’t say Gluten free you could be taking a risk. I made that mistake just last week. I started taking a supplement that said wheat free, but not gluten free. The two are different. I couldn’t figure out why I was getting old symptoms back. Symptoms of terrible stomach pain, diarrhea, throwing up, depression, fatigue, muscle aches and twitching, headaches and more. Because gluten is poison to the Celiac, it effects everything , and it causes permanent damage. The stomach pain I was experiencing was so excruciating, I was desperate to find what could have caused it. Well, I had also eaten at a restaurant, and got sick from that. A restaurant my son pointed out, that I get sick at every time I’ve tried it. But we all forget, and we do it again. And I know about being careful, but I forget, and it’s mainly because it can be so strict, once in a while you don’t want to have to think about it, and everything you touch. So I traced down three sources. A lipstick I had tried, not certified with foreign ingredients ,(Big no no), the restaurant, and the new supplement. No wonder I was so sick. So my friends, it very important to keep your eye on the ball. Avoid it at all costs, do the best you can, and be very sure that the supplements, and medications are certified Gluten free. If not, it could be a crap shoot, and before you know it, the gluten exposure from having Celiac disease bites you in the rear end literally, and your sicker than a dog. Terrible! Be careful and I will too. The cost of getting into gluten is a price too high to pay with long term damage. And the nice thing is, when you are completely gluten free all the symptoms settle down, and you feel so much better. Staying gluten free! Iris

Gluten free Daikon Radish Salad
This very refreshing, crunchy, and slightly tangy Asian -inspired recipe is very good and quite simple to make. This recipe was shared with me from my Produce delivery folks from Klesick Farms. Included in my delivery of fresh fruits and vegetables each week are recipe ideas from them. This is one that I really enjoy and can be made gluten free fairly easily by using Gluten free soy sauce, Gluten free Rice vinegar, and Gluten free sesame oil. It is also vegetarian. The other ingredients are naturally Gluten free. This recipe serves 4. And can be made easily in 10 minutes. Enjoy!
1- Tablespoon of light soy sauce (I also use low sodium)
1- Tablespoon of rice vinegar
1- Tablespoon of sesame oil
1- Teaspoon of Honey, agave syrup or sugar
1- Tablespoon of Sesame seeds
1- Daikon radish peeled
1- Carrot
In a Bowl, mix soy sauce, vinegar, sesame oil, your choice of sugar and sesame seeds.
Peel and cut Daikon radish and Carrot into very thin match stick like shapes. And then simply mix
your vegetables well with the dressing and enjoy!
This can be served with some grilled chicken and gluten free rolls.
This recipe was originally adapted from www.foodfidelity.com

Radio interview with Nutritionist Karl Mincin on Food Allergies
This is a radio interview with Nutritionist Karl Mincin discussing food allergies and reactions to foods we eat. If you suffer from Gluten free issues as well as non Gluten free issues, or food allergies, you may find this radio interview helpful. He discusses common food allergies as well. Be well, and lets thrive instead of just survive with food intolerance. Thanks Karl for this! Iris
Karl Mincin is a clinical nutritionist and natural health educator in practice for 30 years. With a personalized approach he offers both preventive and therapeutic nutrition counseling, specializing in nutrition assessment testing, the process of determining individual nutrient needs and body chemistry balance. He is also available for tele-nutrition consultation and may be reached at (360) 336-2616 www.Nutrition-Testing.com
Choose TWO Nutrient Quick Tests FREE
Choose TWO Nutrient Quick Tests FREE
Zinc Tally Taste Test
Calcium Balance BPCC more accurate bone density
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Establishing NUTRITIONAL Baselines
Establishing NUTRITIONAL Baselines
Adapted from Lindsey Duncan, C.N.
by Karl J. Mincin, Clinical Nutritionist
Discovering your nutritional baseline might be the single most important step you take to improving your health.
A nutritional baseline is a whole-body assessment of your specific health status and needs. It is designed to establish your overall “health complexion”– your inherent strengths and weaknesses and genetic predisposition, as well as your current (and past) dietary and life style choices. Whether you feel perfectly well, or are suffering from chronic symptoms or a more serious condition, a nutritional baseline will help you to understand your health from a “whole-body” perspective.
In evaluating an individual’s genetic predisposition, a nutritionist will want to know about your family’s health history. For instance, if your parents and/or grandparents smoked cigarettes and/or had lung cancer, you may have been born with weak lungs. And if your family has a history of colon cancer or constipation, it’s highly likely that you’ve inherited a structurally weak bowel. Is arthritis common in your family? You too might be more susceptible to this over-acid condition. Has breast cancer struck any of the women in your family? Chances are you’ve inherited a sluggish or week lymphatic system. Are heart issues or high cholesterol a problem in your family? A weakened circulatory system could be one of many genetic gifts given to you by your mother or father. Every human on the planet is born with genetic strengths and weaknesses, some more so than others. The trick is to give extra nourishment and attention to the potential problem areas. This is where a healthy diet and individualized supplementation can make a world of difference. Prevention is the best medicine!
Your own nutritional baseline supplies you with the knowledge you need to address potential problem areas and keep your body healthy. It teaches you to make sure you supply your inherently weak or constipated colon with plenty of high fiber foods, including fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as a good fiber supplement. It teaches you to make sure you supply your over-acid body with an abundance of alkalizing leafy green vegetables and green super-food concentrates, while staying away from acid (arthritis) forming foods such as sugar, alcohol and red meat. It teaches you to make sure you supply your sluggish lymphatic system with live foods (containing live versus dead enzymes) such as fresh fruits and vegetables and plenty of fresh water, and to avoid saturated fats and heavy, processed foods that tend to stagnate the lymph. It’s vitally important to understand your body’s inherent weaknesses and biochemical tendencies (acid, alkaline, etc.). Armed with this information, as well as nutritional knowledge, you are in the unique position to prevent potential health problems and chronic disease conditions.
Your own nutritional baseline should be established by a reputable, practicing nutritionist who uses some type of biochemical analysis of hair, saliva, and urine. I prefer this over blood analysis for several reasons. It is non-invasive and supplies a more stable reading. Each test has its strengths and its weaknesses; a combination of several different tests, pointing at the same nutrient, provide the grounds for selecting the most effective, fastest acting and the safest nutritional remedy, as well as providing the best assurance for long-term overall balance.
By understanding the biochemical tendencies and inherent weaknesses (and strengths) of your body, a professional nutritionist can tailor a nutritional program specifically for you. He or she will teach you what types of foods are best suited to your specific needs, what supplements would be beneficial, and what organs in your body need special attention and supplementation. A personalized nutritional baseline will also address and help alleviate any current health complaints you now experience, whether it’s constipation, fatigue, weight gain, headaches, PMS, allergies, or digestive disorders. In my experience it seems that almost everyone wants to be healthier and live longer. Establishing a personalized nutritional baseline takes the confusion out of what you must do to accomplish this. It offers you a specific blueprint to nutrition, supplementation, diet and life style choices. Your nutritional baseline will be a reference point you can draw from during your entire lifetime. It arms you with a wealth of knowledge about yourself. It is the first, and one of the most important, steps toward taking control of your own health and your longevity.
Professional Nutrition Services
Nutrition Resource Center, LLC (360) 336-2616
Clinic schedules telephone consultation on a regular basis. Test kits for Hair, saliva, and urine samples are shipped via mail.
Comprehensive Professional Nutrition Services
Karl Mincin,
Clinical Nutritionist
Nutrition Resource
Office locations throughout Puget Sound
& by Telephone Consultation
Office hours: Mon.–Fri. 10:00a-6:00p by appt
In practice locally for 30 years as a clinical nutritionist, Karl’s comprehensive professional nutritional services range from basic nutrition counseling for those wanting to make healthy improvements in their diet and lifestyle, to advanced nutritional therapy for a specific health condition. Both of these-the basic and the therapeutic—may be addressed simultaneously.
His specialty is nutrition assessment , the scientific process of evaluating individual nutritional needs and balancing body chemistry. Using an individually selected combination of in-office, at-home and laboratory testing, he guides you in developing a personalized nutrition plan that you can live with.
It is noteworthy the degree of healing that the body can accomplish on its own, when it is provided the proper balance of raw material, nutrient building blocks. With an educational approach and liberal time spent together, Karl will assist you in establishing your own
nutrition baseline.
Establishing a solid nutrition foundation/baseline now will allow you to attain better results from whatever other healthcare you may be involved with, be it conventional or complementary natural medicine.
In just two visits you will know with certainty which foods
and nutrients best balance your body chemistry, both to support your present health condition and to make fine-tuning adjustments as your health improves and your nutritional needs change.
Call (360) 336-2616 to schedule an appointment and receive a new patient packet, or if you need more information, to schedule a no-cost 15 minutes informational courtesy consultation (by phone or in person) and receive a complete information packet (including sample test reports).

Gluten Free Rotisserie Chicken Dinner
Check out this video of a gluten free rotisserie chicken dinner.

Gluten Intolerance Symptoms
I went to make breakfast today, and couldn’t figure out why I was getting gluten intolerance symptoms again. Symptoms of getting into gluten like gas, bloating, the blues, rashes, numbness and tingling in my hands, pain and swelling in the joints, brain fog, and more. Oh brother, there’s quite a list. I have heard that when you’re getting into gluten as a celiac you can get up to 300 symptoms. And it sure feels that way. It’s enough of an incentive to avoid it , isn’t it? It is for me! I have said to myself, over and over again, since I was diagnosed over 20 years ago. “It can’t be that bad”. But crap, it is! Every time I tried to get checked for some other cause, it always came back to this. This is so hard, to watch everything that goes into my mouth. No wonder so many people are so sick with the Celiac disease, and feel they can’t rise above it. It’s the craziest thing when you have gluten intolerance symptoms. But also so dangerous, as it does permanent damage to you r body and your immune system, your vitamin levels, etc. As I have said before, I ended up with three other autoimmune diseases due to all this autoimmune mess. And once they are there, there is no cure! Only treatments! Mainly because it went undiagnosed so long. The hard thing is the Thyroid disease I developed (Hashimoto’s disease), can also effect your digestion, as it effects everything. So it can be quite confusing and hard to balance.
So, as I was saying. Recently, I couldn’t figure out where in the world I was getting into gluten that was making me so sick at Breakfast time. Well, I found the culprit. I assumed that the cooking spray I was using was gluten free. It used to be, but I have to remember to always re-check labels and not assume. Know this, lots of times over a period of time, these companies can change the formulas they use in the food. What was once Gluten free, may not be now and might be causing gluten intolerance symptoms. If we don’t stay on top of it, we get sick. And very sick! So, I will no longer be using Smart balance cooking spray! I’m pretty sure Pam original is Gluten free! According to the ingredients it is. Stay tuned! And thanks for stopping by celiacdisease.tips. Best wishes for greater health. Stay focused and be encouraged. There is a better way to feel your best. Iris

Gluten Free New England Corn Chowder!
New England Corn Chowdah!
Here is a recipe a friend of mine from Texas sent to me. She happened to be making it one day,and shared it on face book with her friends. I saw it, and asked her if she minded if I shared it on my blog, converting it to Gluten free. She was happy to. Here is Patty Hicks Chadwick’s recipe for “New England corn Chowdah”, that I converted Gluten free with a little tweaking. So now it’s Gluten free New England Corn Chowder! Thanks Patty
8 to 10 good size potatoes (I use yellow, gold, or sweet) wash real
good you will use this water.
3 cans cream style corn (be sure the cans are Gluten free)(I use Green giant)
2 cans whole kernel corn
2 squares garlic & herb sauté express (land of lakes brand) or one
stick of real butter
1 med. onion diced
1 10 oz. can evaporated can milk (Carnation is Gluten free)
2 cans of whole milk (using the can milk can)
1 cup of Gluten free flour, or flour mix
Salt and pepper to taste
1 tsp of diced jalapeno for a taste of Texas. (Optional)
Cut potatoes (I don’t peel them if they are gold or yellow potatoes)
into bite size pieces (not to small) and just cover potatoes with
water, cook till still just a little firm. Do not drain. Remove potatoes
and set aside.
While potatoes are cooking:
In a separate pan cook onion and whole kernel corn in the 2
squares of the garlic & herb saute express till clear or soft.
Add creamed corn, milk, onion mixture, potato to the potato water
and stir well. Mix Gluten free flour with some water to make a semi thick paste.
Add to pot, Lower heat and simmer till warm through. Stir to keep
from sticking to the bottom. Gets better day after day.
From the Kitchen of: Patty Hicks Chadwick
Gluten free Honey, Dijon and Balsamic dressing
I recently had guests over for dinner. I made a Gluten free lasagna, and one of my friends (who also is Gluten free), brought a salad, with a homemade Gluten free dressing. I really liked it, and so did others. Its easy and quick to make.
Here is the homemade dressing she brought:
1-cup of Olive oil
1/2 cup of Gluten free balsamic vinegar (I use Napoleon Organic-a product of Italy).
2- cloves of fresh garlic minced
1- teaspoon of honey or agave syrup. I would start with 1-teaspoon and add more if you like it sweeter. Also, I use agave syrup from wholesome foods as it is Gluten Free and low glycemic, if you have a blood sugar issue.
1- teaspoon of Gluten free Dijon mustard , read the labels , it should tell you if it is gluten free or not. If it doesn’t say Gluten free on it, it’s best to avoid it. But I have found many.
Put all Ingredients in a shaker bottle together, shake well till smooth , and serve over salad. Refrigerate left over dressing, and be sure to shake well with each use. You could do this in a blender to ensure smoothness, but I found using a shaker bottle worked pretty well. It was quicker, and easier on the clean up.

Creamy Cucumber dressing
Recently, I decided to share homemade recipes for salad dressing. Not just to ensure Gluten free , I needed some ideas on salad dressings that are also made with the right types of fats, and not so much sugar, sodium or additives. A lot of dressings you find in the store can contain too much sodium and sugar. Too much of both is not good for most autoimmune diseases, especially the thyroid, which I struggle with. It also saves on cost. So I created this section for those reasons! I hope these recipes help you in your adventure to greater health. Here is the first one :
Creamy Cucumber dressing
1/2 cup cucumbers peeled and chopped . (this is equivalent to 1- medium size cucumber roughly)
1 Teaspoon of fresh lemon Juice
1 1/2 -2 teaspoons of Garlic powder or 1 clove of minced fresh garlic. I use the fresh garlic. It gives a better stronger garlic taste. Coming from my European background and loving garlic as I do, you can’t beat fresh.
1/2 -teaspoon of salt (Again this is optional). If you need to watch sodium, you can either cut the salt by half, or omit it entirely. I often omit it.
1/4 of a teaspoon or less of black pepper. Depends on your taste for pepper.
sprinkle in a little dill and fresh parsley (be sure not to add too much, as the taste can be overpowering. A little goes along way.
1- teaspoon -1-tablespoon of Honey or Agave syrup. (I often use agave syrup due to it’s low glycemic quality). (I also use wholesome foods brand of agave or honey as it is certified gluten free).
1-cup of plain yogurt, always be sure the brand is Gluten free
*optional you can add about a 1/4 of a fresh red pepper sliced to blend with other ingredients
Start with peeling and slicing cucumbers (and red pepper if you decide to add it), in small pieces. Then place in a blender on blend speed until smooth. Then add all the other ingredients except the parsley and dill. Blend about 2-minutes on blend speed. You don’t need a high speed. After all the ingredients are well blended, add the dill and parsley and blend only one more minute. Then pour into any dressing bottle and store in refrigerator. Do not store for more than 1 week. As the fresh cucumbers will not last long without preservatives. The Lemon can act as a preservative , but not for as long as the chemical additives. People I have served it to seem to really like it. Good luck! I hope it comes out good. Drop me a line in the comment section and let me know how it turns out. Thanks for visiting!
*one other option if you want a really creamy dressing you can substitute sour crème for the yogurt.
*your prep time should be 10 minutes, it doesn’t take long.