Month: November 2016

Vitamin Companies I have researched that are gluten free and certified
Every now and then I call a company when I want to try a new supplement. Today I called The company called “Now” and asked about their gluten free line. This is what they had to… Read More

3 Gluten Free Breakfast Recipes
Here is a great video for saving time with muffin tins. Thank you to @SaraLynnCauchon From The Dometic Geek here is a link to it at YouTube :

My thoughts about others suffering
All too often, I hear from people either in my group or by phone or even at my church , how difficult the diet has become. For various reasons! Some are Celiac’s, but some are just gluten sensitive. The… Read More

Breakfast Gluten Free Pear Cake & Recipe |
This Gluten Free Pear and Cinnamon Breakfast cake is would make a beautiful addition to any holiday brunch menu. Its also great for breakfast and delicious with a cup of cofee in the afternoon. PRINT RECIPE HERE: FOLLOW CLEAN…