Category: Medications & Vitamins
Allergy Season, Celiac disease and Gluten sensitivity
Today, I was asked a question about seasonal allergies and how to treat them with Celiac Disease and Gluten sensitivity. You know, those watery eyes, coughing, sneezing, congestion, in some severe allergies even breathing problems. Well there is… Read More
Suggestions and herbs you can take for the flu!
Everyone dreads that awful season that is upon us now. Yes, it’s the flu season! While winter time can be a happy time with the holidays, family gatherings, snow activities etc. There is an epidemic that comes each… Read More
Pharmaceutical Medications and Celiac Disease
I recently ran into a problem with a medication prescribed for me by my doctor. The medication itself was right, but there was something in it that made me sick. And it felt like a gluten reaction. I… Read More

Vitamin Companies I have researched that are gluten free and certified
Every now and then I call a company when I want to try a new supplement. Today I called The company called “Now” and asked about their gluten free line. This is what they had to… Read More
Vitamins, Herbs, and Probiotics Safe for People with Celiac Disease (Iris Suggests)
I know a lot of people don’t consider vitamins being a problem, as many of the vitamin companies label their products as being gluten-free. But, are they really gluten-free? While they say they don’t add gluten to their… Read More
Information on Gluten free Drugs and vitamins
You know a lot of people have not considered medications they take when trying to be gluten-free. I know this, because when I first learned I had Celiac disease, I wasn’t aware that medications and vitamins had gluten in… Read More